The W. Danley Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

100% Satisfaction GuaranteedI want you to know up front. I’m not perfect, my team is not perfect and if there is any electrician out there that tells you they are, please beware. We have a PST, (primary, secondary, and tertiary) check in place to insure we have NOT overlooked one single facet of your installation. There are no other companies that do this that we know of.

On the rare occasion when we get a call regarding a service I do that there is a problem rest assured we’ll make it right.

Selling a home and an inspection found a problem with our work? No problem, we’ll defend our work with documentation or fix the problem if we have overlooked anything at NO charge!

That’s how confident I am about my business and the team I train.

Please don’t be fooled by the fancy slippers and the red carpet used by our competitors. This is just smoke and mirrors. We use booty’s and drop cloths because we care about your home, not to mislead you.

Trust, honesty, knowledge, skill and caring will help guarantee the perfect installation. Call me and ask to speak to me personally if you have any questions.


Walter Danley,
Danley Electrical Contracting




Plus a professional design and layout at no additional charge! Call to learn more how we help with your residential or commercial remodeling project and mention “Web Addition Promo.”

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